How to Implement Your Own Estimators ==================================== All the estimators in all packages follow the pre-defined protocols based on their types. All the implementations of algorithms which follow the protocols in ``s3l.base`` can be evaluated as the built-in algorithms by experiment classes. The estimators should inherit a base estimator class in ``s3l.base`` according to the type of the estimator you are going to implement. We currently provide five options for you: #. ``TransductiveEstimatorwithGraph``, #. ``TransductiveEstimatorWOGraph``, #. ``InductiveEstimatorWOGraph``, #. ``InductiveEstimatorwithGraph``, #. ``SupervisedEstimator``. As the names indicate, the experiments support supervised learning algorithms, semi-supervised learning algorithms in both inductive and transductive settings with or without graph. For each estimator class, you must implement the following methods: ``set_params``, ``fit`` and ``predict``. ``set_params`` is the methods to configure the parameters of the estimator objects given a dict storing the values of some parameters. It's called in the experiments to search for the best hyper-parameters. Since the object is used repeatly with different hyper-parameters, **you should make sure that the object is reset as if hadn't been trained**. A common implementation is as follows. .. code:: python def set_params(self, param): """Parameter setting function. Parameters ---------- param:dict Store parameter names and corresponding values {'name': value}. """ if isinstance(param, dict): self.__dict__.update(param) # Codes to reset some properties which may influence the # prediction. ``fit`` is the method to train the model given data; ``predict`` is the method to make prediction. The main difference between base classes is the parameters of the ``fit`` and ``predict``. For transductive estimator, the ``predict`` method takes in the indexes of instances to predict (the estimator can see the testing data when training). For inductive estimator, the ``predict`` method takes in the features of instances to predict. ``fit`` method always takes *X*, *y*, *l_ind*, and optional args are supported. For graph-based algorithms, *W* must be provided for ``fit`` method. For supervised learning algorithm, you can inherit ``SupervisedEstimator`` class. You must rewrite ``__init__`` method and initialize the member *model* as an object of supervised learning model, and *model* must have the following methods: .. code:: python class SupervisedEstimator(BaseEstimator): """ Supervised estimator of single-label task. """ @abstractmethod def __init__(self): super(SupervisedEstimator, self).__init__() self.model = None def fit(self, X, y, l_ind=None, **kwargs): """ Takes X, y, label_index. """ if l_ind is not None: X = X[l_ind, :] if y.ndim == 2: y = y[l_ind, :].reshape(-1) else: y = y[l_ind], y) def predict(self, X, **kwargs): """ Takes X """ return self.model.predict(X) def set_params(self, param): self.model.set_params(**param) def predict_proba(self, X): return self.model.predict_proba(X) def predict_log_proba(self, X): return self.model.predict_log_proba(X) ``s3l.wrapper.sklearn_wrapper`` guides you to wrap any supervised learning algorithm you like. Attention ----------- Sometimes your estimator class may contain *C-language* object member. The object of estimator can be un-serializable when the C object has pointers because the python interpreter has no way to know the details of the memory where the pointer points to. The experiment classes run the experiemnts in multi-process mode when ``n_jobs`` is set larger than 1, which requires the estimator object is serializable. An option is to rewrite the ``__getstate__`` and ``__setstate__`` methods to design the way how estimator object is dumped and loaded by ``pickle``. The simplest way is to drop the un-picklable member in ``__getstate__`` and re-initialze it in ``__setstate__``. Here is an example taken from ``s3l.classification.TSVM`` where *self.model* is a C object: .. code:: python def __getstate__(self): """ The model is ctypes objects and contains pointers cannot be pickled. So we drop the model when we pickle TSVM. """ state = self.__dict__.copy() del state['model'] # manually delete return state def __setstate__(self, state): """ The model is ctypes objects and contains pointers cannot be pickled. So we drop the model when we pickle TSVM. """ self.__dict__.update(state) self.model = None # manually update